Hello everyone, as you've probably noticed I have neglected this blog for quite some time now. Although I have still been entering competitions but not as often as I did previously. Now I'm back on it full time and hoping to have a lucky year in 2019.
I have updated my winning page and will be writing more posts in the very near future
Leyan x
Leanne's Crazy Competition World
My name is Leanne Abel. Welcome to my world of comping. I started entering competitions in March 2012 after reading a feature in the newspaper about people who win lots of prizes. I decided to give it a go, and with nothing to lose I set off on my journey and have never looked back! I have won some great prizes during this time including £1000 from Capital FM, a £550 Mountain Bike, KitchenAid Mixer, Dishwasher and lots of smaller wins like Dvd's, Kitchenware and Jewellery. I hope you enjoy!
Thursday, 25 April 2019
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Advents 2016
So it's December 1st tomorrow which is massive news in the world of comping! Those advents sure do come around quickly!
Advent comps usually start on the 1st December and are daily entries to win great prizes. It's like opening your advent calendar but with the bonus of potentially winning a prize everyday. There are 100's of them around with the majority on FB but many others around too! Big prizes are usually Xmas Eve.
To start preparing I usually set up a new folder and save each on in there so I can to them daily. It is a mammoth task to enter them all so I would suggest you only bookmark the ones you really want to win.
You can find them easily on sites like Loquax, MSE and Theprizefinder.
The Competition Database are posting them this year, which is good news for me, as this is my favorite site to use.
On another note I'm sorry I haven't been posting alot recently but I started a new job in October and don't have as much time as I used to. I have still been entering about twice a week but not every day as I was previously. This does unfortunately mean I haven't won as much as recent years but I have been lucky enough this month to win 2 tickets to Thorpe Park on their twitter page, and a lovely sink and tap worth £450 from At Home Magazine.
As always, stay lucky everyone and have a fantastic Christmas!
Leyan x
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
New Reviews and Books Free on Kindle Unlimited
Timothy Other: The Boy who climbed Marizpan Mountain
Buy Timothy Other: The Boy who climbed Marzipan Mountain for £1.03/$1.49 on Amazon Kindle USA - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01BJ3Q8DO UK - www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01BJ3Q8DO
Amazon review: “This is a story chucked full of fantasy, not the magic throwing/dragon flying type, but honest to goodness magic of the lovely child type sort. There are fantastical creatures, but the characters, mystery, friendships and delightful life messages thrown in make this so much more. I was captured up into the book from the very first pages by the fantastic narration and writing. It's humorous and pulls right in with just the perfect twist on names, actions and details, reminding a bit of Dahl or Snicket.”
Buy Timothy Other: The Boy who climbed Marzipan Mountain for £1.03/$1.49 on Amazon Kindle USA - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01BJ3Q8DO UK - www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01BJ3Q8DO
Amazon review: “This is a story chucked full of fantasy, not the magic throwing/dragon flying type, but honest to goodness magic of the lovely child type sort. There are fantastical creatures, but the characters, mystery, friendships and delightful life messages thrown in make this so much more. I was captured up into the book from the very first pages by the fantastic narration and writing. It's humorous and pulls right in with just the perfect twist on names, actions and details, reminding a bit of Dahl or Snicket.”
12:07 The Sleeping
For some life is unfair and secrets can become deadly! James Walker was an unwanted child passed around until a kindly nun took great care in placing him with a loving family. Lance suffered from nightmares since the age of five. Katherine, Lance’s wife, suffers in near silence over her fear of his cheating and the loss of their first child who was stillborn. Mr. Green longs for release and return of his soul. Their lives are intertwined in deadly and secretive ways leaving everyone’s soul in jeopardy because The Sleeping wants souls, pain and suffering.
James suffers from sleep paralysis in which he is unable to move upon waking from a deep sleep. He knows The Sleeping are coming for him, he feels them crawling up his body as he lays there helpless.
He tried hard to turn and face his intruder. Sweat began to cover his body, as the corner of the bed sank when something sat down. He wished and wished for his limbs to move, but they didn’t. It was in those moments that all became still. Nothing could be heard apart from his own rapid breathing, which was loud enough to wake the dead. …and whatever moved was now rested on top of him, lifelessly heavy.”
Lance only suffered from nightmares until … “There were others too; all lost in the darkness, crying, screaming and shouting. The writhing sound was held together by nightmare memories … something was now towering over him. The assailing figure lowered itself on top of him; he felt he was being submerged into death.”
The connections of these people must bring about a catalytic event to bring an end to everyone’s suffering to an end thus a ritual must take place with The Unwanted; The Protector; The Custodian, The Messenger/The Key and two Pretty Things. Faith and Trust is what everyone must have, but will it be enough to free everyone from the growing darkness and evilness of The Sleeping?
L. Sydney Abel has taken something that is already frightening – sleep paralysis and turns it into something darker and more frightening! A syndrome that a good deal of the earth’s population suffers from usually briefly but can be brushed away once the paralysis is gone. Abel plants seeds and encourages their growth until closing one’s eyes for sleep can be terrifying as the fear continues to nurture within.
Abel uses vivid imagery to describe The Sleeping: “There were about him like a thick fog – they were the walls, the ceiling, and the floor.” His use of imagery projects how terrifying and immobilizing this condition can be when described in this manner.
Abel connects all the dots of a well-planned story line leaving readers gasping at some twists and turns. His characters are well-developed and strategic as is the dialog.
At the end of a book, one must decide whether or not the book met its potential – depending on the genre – was it romantic enough or funny enough or in this case scary enough. Abel successfully took an occurrence that anyone can experience and turned it into a horrifying blood draining terror!
Was 12:07 The Sleeping scary? OMG YES!
I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a book that is terrifying well past the end of the book.
WordsAPlenty gives this book a well-deserved 5 star rating.
July Update
Hi Folks,
So I've not been updating my blog much recently due to the fact that I've been suffering from stress, depression and anxiety issues. I'm on the dreaded tablets and had counselling, so I'm on my way to getting better, but in June I also found out that after 12 years I was being made redundant!!
Added pressure to my already stressed mind, although I have had more time on my hands to enter competitions.
My new competition regime is to enter high value prizes first then work my way down. The Competition Database is one of my favourite sites to use as you can easily sort for prizes worth £500 or more, £150-£500, £50-£150 and under £50. The best thing is that you can also select what type of competitions you want to enter, from Facebook to Twitter, Blogs or Instagram!
Tip - Check your "Other Folder" on FB messages as you may just miss a prize. I checked today and found out that I'd won a Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee Machine which otherwise I would have missed because I wasn't tagged on their FB page, so it's always worth checking.
So I've not been updating my blog much recently due to the fact that I've been suffering from stress, depression and anxiety issues. I'm on the dreaded tablets and had counselling, so I'm on my way to getting better, but in June I also found out that after 12 years I was being made redundant!!
Added pressure to my already stressed mind, although I have had more time on my hands to enter competitions.
My new competition regime is to enter high value prizes first then work my way down. The Competition Database is one of my favourite sites to use as you can easily sort for prizes worth £500 or more, £150-£500, £50-£150 and under £50. The best thing is that you can also select what type of competitions you want to enter, from Facebook to Twitter, Blogs or Instagram!
Tip - Check your "Other Folder" on FB messages as you may just miss a prize. I checked today and found out that I'd won a Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee Machine which otherwise I would have missed because I wasn't tagged on their FB page, so it's always worth checking.
I will keep updating the daily competitions so keep checking in everyday to find new competitions to enter.
Remember if you need any advice you can contact me via FB, Twitter or email.
Good Luck all!
Leyan xx
Monday, 22 February 2016
Becoming an Appliances Online Reviewer
Hi guys and gals.
I have been very lucky to review for A.O.Com twice, and I'm often asked questions about how you go about becoming a reviewer and where to send it to so I will share my experience here.
The application process itself is very straightforward. All you have to do is an honest review of an appliance you already own, for example, your Microwave, Cooker, Fridge, Coffee Machine or Vacuum Cleaner. Make sure you film it in Landscape and mention any pros and cons about the product. Film it in use (you don't have to be in it), but make sure you are clear and descriptive. Ideally it should be between 2-8 mins long.
Once your done you need to upload it to Youtube and then take the link ready for your application submission on the A.O FB page. Unfortunately at the time of writing the post the "Apply to become a Reviewer" is no longer on their page but you can simply ask them if they need any more reviewers and you can share your video of them.
The next stage is normally a message from their staff saying that someone will be in touch if you're successful. Fingers crossed for your all. If you are lucky enough to get an email you will normally have the pick of some products they want reviews on. Once you've let them know and arranged delivery you have 7 days to submit your review and upload the video of your product.
The 2 products I've reviewed are here if you need some tips.
I have been very lucky to review for A.O.Com twice, and I'm often asked questions about how you go about becoming a reviewer and where to send it to so I will share my experience here.
The application process itself is very straightforward. All you have to do is an honest review of an appliance you already own, for example, your Microwave, Cooker, Fridge, Coffee Machine or Vacuum Cleaner. Make sure you film it in Landscape and mention any pros and cons about the product. Film it in use (you don't have to be in it), but make sure you are clear and descriptive. Ideally it should be between 2-8 mins long.
Once your done you need to upload it to Youtube and then take the link ready for your application submission on the A.O FB page. Unfortunately at the time of writing the post the "Apply to become a Reviewer" is no longer on their page but you can simply ask them if they need any more reviewers and you can share your video of them.
The next stage is normally a message from their staff saying that someone will be in touch if you're successful. Fingers crossed for your all. If you are lucky enough to get an email you will normally have the pick of some products they want reviews on. Once you've let them know and arranged delivery you have 7 days to submit your review and upload the video of your product.
The 2 products I've reviewed are here if you need some tips.
As you can see you don't have to be an actor, Just be honest and truthful. If you don't like the product or a specific feature,then say so. This is what they are looking for.
Any other questions you have then please feel free to ask.
Leyan x
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Watch my new trailer for Timothy Other: The Boy who climbed Marzipan Mountain. Out now!
FREE ON KINDLE UNLIMITED or £1.03/$1.49 on Amazon Kindle.
NEWLY RELEASED KINDLE VERSION! 5* review by Sarah “I absolutely loved this book! Which surprised me somewhat as my usual read is horror and thrillers. Right from the sAlso....Now FREE on Kindle Unlimited or 99p on Amazon Kindle is 12:07 The Sleeping - Also in paperback! http://authl.it/3j4 http://theslider58.wix.com/lsydneyabeltart it had me hooked; reminding me of the great childhood books such as Alice in Wonderland and the many great books by Roald Dahl.”
Also....Now FREE on Kindle Unlimited or 99p on Amazon Kindle is 12:07 The Sleeping - Also in paperback!
Get it here for FREE!
L Sydney Abel Website
FREE ON KINDLE UNLIMITED or £1.03/$1.49 on Amazon Kindle.
NEWLY RELEASED KINDLE VERSION! 5* review by Sarah “I absolutely loved this book! Which surprised me somewhat as my usual read is horror and thrillers. Right from the sAlso....Now FREE on Kindle Unlimited or 99p on Amazon Kindle is 12:07 The Sleeping - Also in paperback! http://authl.it/3j4 http://theslider58.wix.com/lsydneyabeltart it had me hooked; reminding me of the great childhood books such as Alice in Wonderland and the many great books by Roald Dahl.”
Also....Now FREE on Kindle Unlimited or 99p on Amazon Kindle is 12:07 The Sleeping - Also in paperback!
Get it here for FREE!
L Sydney Abel Website
Saturday, 2 January 2016
Leanne's Crazy Competition World: Happy New Year 2016
Leanne's Crazy Competition World: Happy New Year 2016: Hi Folks, It New Year again, and I'm sure your all set with your New Years Resolutions...? I myself have set some, yet I know as alw...
Happy New Year 2016
Hi Folks,
It New Year again, and I'm sure your all set with your New Years Resolutions...?
I myself have set some, yet I know as always most will be broken. I really want 2016 to be a better year than 2015 and am determined to try to exercise more, cut back on the old alcohol and fags, get over my anxiety issues and try to live a more positive life.
On the comping front, 2015 was a bit of a wash out really. Though I'm sure I am entering the same amount as usual, I feel there are more and more people entering than ever before making it harder than ever to win the amount of prizes we were previously used to. The advents themselves were overwhelming and it's getting harder to find the time to enter them all. Theprizefinder itself had over 600 FB competitions running advent competitions that needed entering daily!!! There were also 100's of web pages, twitter, Instagram and Rafflecopter competitions, making December a month that you really need to take a holiday just to have a chance to enter them all.
I read that a lot of people were giving them a miss this past year and concentrating more on the regular comps. I would personally recommend that you don't spend all day entering everything just to be disappointed. If you enter the ones that you really want to win, albeit for friends, family, yourself or for 2016 Christmas Presents you can save alot of time and effort because it seems these days that to win 1 prize you need to enter about 1000 competitions!
My comping friends seem to be making a 2016 Wish List, simply write down what you really want to win this year and cross them off as you win them. As they say, anything else is a bonus! That way you can concentrate on entering the comps you really want to win. It doesn't have to be a big win, just something that would make you smile, like some new pens for your adult colouring book. cinema tickets for the family or a new party dress. Set realistic goals and visualize yourself winning them to add a little bit of extra luck.
My 2016 Wishlist is:-
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best the of luck in 2016 and I promise to write more posts this year and give you all hints and tips of what is going on in competition land.
Leyan x
It New Year again, and I'm sure your all set with your New Years Resolutions...?
I myself have set some, yet I know as always most will be broken. I really want 2016 to be a better year than 2015 and am determined to try to exercise more, cut back on the old alcohol and fags, get over my anxiety issues and try to live a more positive life.
On the comping front, 2015 was a bit of a wash out really. Though I'm sure I am entering the same amount as usual, I feel there are more and more people entering than ever before making it harder than ever to win the amount of prizes we were previously used to. The advents themselves were overwhelming and it's getting harder to find the time to enter them all. Theprizefinder itself had over 600 FB competitions running advent competitions that needed entering daily!!! There were also 100's of web pages, twitter, Instagram and Rafflecopter competitions, making December a month that you really need to take a holiday just to have a chance to enter them all.
I read that a lot of people were giving them a miss this past year and concentrating more on the regular comps. I would personally recommend that you don't spend all day entering everything just to be disappointed. If you enter the ones that you really want to win, albeit for friends, family, yourself or for 2016 Christmas Presents you can save alot of time and effort because it seems these days that to win 1 prize you need to enter about 1000 competitions!
My comping friends seem to be making a 2016 Wish List, simply write down what you really want to win this year and cross them off as you win them. As they say, anything else is a bonus! That way you can concentrate on entering the comps you really want to win. It doesn't have to be a big win, just something that would make you smile, like some new pens for your adult colouring book. cinema tickets for the family or a new party dress. Set realistic goals and visualize yourself winning them to add a little bit of extra luck.
My 2016 Wishlist is:-
- Xbox One or PS4
- Fifa 2017
- Short Break in UK
- Fridge/Freezer
- Beauty Products
- Holiday Abroad
- Children's Toys
- Perfume/Aftershave
- Pan Set
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best the of luck in 2016 and I promise to write more posts this year and give you all hints and tips of what is going on in competition land.
Leyan x
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
12:07 The Sleeping January Sale
January Sale - the paranormal horror book 12:07 The Sleeping will be 99p/$1.49 on Amazon. Grab it while you can!
Your thoughts in the form of a short review would be most welcome.
Goodreads review-"I recommend this book highly to those who love paranormal creepiness mixed with heaven, hell, darkness and light".
"A book with hardly any proofreading errors makes this a unique reading experience these days. This book deals with adult themes, death and sex, but then if you are interested in the paranormal that will be no surprise. At first some of the sex scenes appear to be gratuitous but as you get to understand the story you realise the role they play. It is not a comfortable read, nor is it meant to be, don't take it to the beach for an easy read. I can genuinely say the central idea was one I hadn't come across, an increasingly unusual thing these days. So if you're looking for something different, this is your book".
Your thoughts in the form of a short review would be most welcome.
Goodreads review-"I recommend this book highly to those who love paranormal creepiness mixed with heaven, hell, darkness and light".
"A book with hardly any proofreading errors makes this a unique reading experience these days. This book deals with adult themes, death and sex, but then if you are interested in the paranormal that will be no surprise. At first some of the sex scenes appear to be gratuitous but as you get to understand the story you realise the role they play. It is not a comfortable read, nor is it meant to be, don't take it to the beach for an easy read. I can genuinely say the central idea was one I hadn't come across, an increasingly unusual thing these days. So if you're looking for something different, this is your book".
Monday, 9 November 2015
Never give them Up!
Hi everyone, it's been a while since I posted anything (apologies) but I've been having a bad time of late with anxiety and depression issues and I lost my comping mojo.
Anyways onto something positive....
After recent events I wasn't really entering many competitions but in the last week or so I've been on it none stop. My new motto is don't give up, send lucky dust to fellow compers, share and tag friends and spread the love.
Today I won 4 amazing prizes. I've been really getting the hang of twitter and also started Instagram competitions after learning about regramming and such likes.
Before 12pm I had 2 twitter notification and a WEM (winning email). A Rimmel Goodie Bag from Superdrug.
Anyways onto something positive....
After recent events I wasn't really entering many competitions but in the last week or so I've been on it none stop. My new motto is don't give up, send lucky dust to fellow compers, share and tag friends and spread the love.
Today I won 4 amazing prizes. I've been really getting the hang of twitter and also started Instagram competitions after learning about regramming and such likes.
Before 12pm I had 2 twitter notification and a WEM (winning email). A Rimmel Goodie Bag from Superdrug.
The a DM (direct message) from Marie Claire saying I'd won £100 of NailInc products.
I then received 2 emails. One from a blog ( A PomBear Gift Set)
And then finally a email from The Fragrance Shop saying I've won a bottle of Sam Feairs Pure Perfume 100ml
As George McFly would say "If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything"
I hope to have lots more wins before Christmas, and wish you all the best of luck with the Advents!
Leyan x
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Amazon Giveaway
Head over to L Sydney Abel Books for your chance to win a £10 Amazon Gift Card. Just like the page, and like and comment on the post to be in with a chance. x
Monday, 17 August 2015
Finding Facebook Wins
A few people have asked how to find if they have won on Facebook, and up until now we have had no definitive answer. Recently I have found out a way to find those wins you may have missed...
The simple way is to go to your Facebook Search at the top left of the page, and to search your name, plus winner or congratulations. Use * at the beginning and end. I,e *Leanne Abel Winner* or *Leanne Abel Congratulations* etc.
This will bring up wins and pages you've liked and entered so you may have to search for a while and scroll down, but it can prove worthwhile as lots of people have mentioned that they have found competitions they have won but simply haven't been tagged in.
It's worth a look.... x
The simple way is to go to your Facebook Search at the top left of the page, and to search your name, plus winner or congratulations. Use * at the beginning and end. I,e *Leanne Abel Winner* or *Leanne Abel Congratulations* etc.
This will bring up wins and pages you've liked and entered so you may have to search for a while and scroll down, but it can prove worthwhile as lots of people have mentioned that they have found competitions they have won but simply haven't been tagged in.
It's worth a look.... x
Sunday, 2 August 2015
12:07 THE SLEEPING is a novel – it is also a story. Whether it is true or fictional has no bearing whatsoever. But what is true, is that things like THE SLEEPING are all too real, albeit to some people only. Some of you sceptical out there can pull from the story what you like. But whatever you draw or conclude, the fact remains, it is only a story – or is it?
The sensation in which some people, when either falling asleep or waking, briefly experience an inability to move, is commonly known as Sleep Paralysis. It’s described as a state of transition between wakefulness and rest, which has the effect of complete loss of muscle strength. It can happen at the onset of sleep or upon awakening, and it often has disturbing visions. For example: The feeling that someone has entered the room and is now sat upon you, to which you are unable to react due to paralysis.
Now if that sounds like a nightmare, then I suppose it is. But that’s only in the fact that it is a wakeful nightmare. I use the word ‘wakeful’ because to the recipient of such a nightmare, they feel they are awake.
Sleep paralysis – known also as hag’s syndrome – is real. It is now being described, by some, as a paranormal experience. To those who have this supernatural involvement: “Keep on fighting whoever it is that comes, because fighting may just keep you alive.”
This story plays on 6 characters, they are: The Unwanted, The Protector, The Custodian, The Messenger/The Key, and 2 Pretty Things.
The Sleeping are numerous and the numerous cannot be characterised individually. They are guardians of the underworld; they feed from the souls that are put there, and, in our world, from the souls that belong there.
The crux of the book is about The Unwanted and The Sleeping. Everything else is purely unconnected suggestion, or is it? Fate plays upon them all. In its simplicity: James is having nightmarish visits. Lance is struggling to understand who James is. Both love Katherine and lust over Imogen. A living-dead, 154 year-old-man, is on a mission for souls and a Nun is simply everybody’s heaven-and-earth answer.
The Unwanted – A person not created from want. Lance Lewisham is a gender psychologist who struggles to understand James Walker. The main reason for this is due to the death of his daughter. Another is because of James' continuous visits from The Sleeping.
The Protector – The shield made from love. Katherine is a lawyer and wife to Lance. Unfortunately they have no children. Her work sedates her pain. She is jealous of her husband’s desire for his secretary, Imogen Swan.
The Custodian – The keeper of sins inside the ‘The Room of Truth’. Sister Miriam is a nun and the original Protector for James. She is also the Great-granddaughter of The Messenger. She studies in secret, far beneath the Sisters of Hope Convent and the church of St. Thomas. A passage from both lead to ‘The Room of Truth’ were sacrificial mass was offered to Satan, in which Pretty Things gave their souls, freely, to Him.
The Messenger/The Key – Is someone who is at the bidding of The Sleeping. A soul for a soul. Once The Sleeping have their chosen soul, The Messenger will receive his in return.
The Pretty Things – Beauties of either gender. Stephanie Duke is a fashion designer and lover of women. Sylvie Verlaine is a model and new lover to Stephanie Duke. Stephanie is truly in love with her flat mate, Imogen Swan.
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Manage My Twitter
Hi everyone, I'm finally back after a long break.
I see so many questions floating around the comping forums about how to quickly unfollow Twitter pages. I myself have frequently hit my 2000 limit and needed to clear my list quickly in order to enter more competitions.
The fastest and easiest I've found to date is a neat little site called "ManageFlitter" It will allow you to unfollow 100 pages per day for FREE! Simply click on the free button and let it connect to your Twitter account and that's it. You can sort by most recently followed, talkative/quiet/ people who have not followed you back and more.
It's probably best to go through your list first and add the pages you don't want to delete to the Never Unfollow list. This will make it easier in the long run and you won't delete your friends and family accidentally.
Next I usually sort by Follow Order. By doing this you can delete pages you added a long time ago and not risk deleting pages of competitions you've recently followed and RT'd.
Hope this helps you all out and gets you more prizes! x
I see so many questions floating around the comping forums about how to quickly unfollow Twitter pages. I myself have frequently hit my 2000 limit and needed to clear my list quickly in order to enter more competitions.
The fastest and easiest I've found to date is a neat little site called "ManageFlitter" It will allow you to unfollow 100 pages per day for FREE! Simply click on the free button and let it connect to your Twitter account and that's it. You can sort by most recently followed, talkative/quiet/ people who have not followed you back and more.
It's probably best to go through your list first and add the pages you don't want to delete to the Never Unfollow list. This will make it easier in the long run and you won't delete your friends and family accidentally.
Next I usually sort by Follow Order. By doing this you can delete pages you added a long time ago and not risk deleting pages of competitions you've recently followed and RT'd.
Hope this helps you all out and gets you more prizes! x
Monday, 19 January 2015
January not so Blue!
Hi everyone,
January has started off being a good month so far! I've won a case of Black Tower Wine and an Aspinal of London Travel Wallet worth £150. I won it from a Twitter Competition with Travelex UK.
This wallet is really amazing and looks very expensive. It arrived today in a lovely presentation box and packaging. The wallet is made of black English bridle leather and is lined in moire silk and had a suede cobalt blue inner.
It had one large pocket and 4 compartments for travel money, passport, tickets and other documents. A zip purse for coins and a front boarding pass compartment.
January has started off being a good month so far! I've won a case of Black Tower Wine and an Aspinal of London Travel Wallet worth £150. I won it from a Twitter Competition with Travelex UK.
This wallet is really amazing and looks very expensive. It arrived today in a lovely presentation box and packaging. The wallet is made of black English bridle leather and is lined in moire silk and had a suede cobalt blue inner.
It had one large pocket and 4 compartments for travel money, passport, tickets and other documents. A zip purse for coins and a front boarding pass compartment.
![]() |
Front View |
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Smooth Black & Colbalt Blue Suede |
It is also available in Cognac & Stone, Neon Pink, Navy Lizard & Cream, Black Lizard & Red, Berry Lizard & Cream and Deer Saffiano.
If your thinking of purchasing a travel wallet I really would recommend you purchase one of these as they are very luxurious and a statement piece.
You can purchase here
I will keep you all updated with future wins and sending you all lucky dust too! x
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
Free E-Book
Hi everyone and Happy New Year to you all.
Just to let you know my Dad's book is free for the next 5 days so hurry up and download it now!
Free Book
December was quite a dry month for me in 2014 despite entering loads of advent competitions. So far this year I've won a case of Black Tower Wine :) which is good because I won a wine cooler last year that holds 49 bottles.
Just to let you know my Dad's book is free for the next 5 days so hurry up and download it now!
Free Book
December was quite a dry month for me in 2014 despite entering loads of advent competitions. So far this year I've won a case of Black Tower Wine :) which is good because I won a wine cooler last year that holds 49 bottles.
I've been entering loads of wine competitions to try and fill it up. If you want to have a go at winning a wine cooler then enter this comp quick!!
Last year was my best year for comping and my wins totaled a massive £3700, which has spurred me on to enter more this year and try and get some short breaks away.
My top 10 list of things I want to win this year are:
- Cash
- GHD's
- New Mobile Phone
- Weekend Breaks/Holiday
- Blue-Ray Player
- B&Q Vouchers
- Garden Bench/Accessories
- Amazon Vouchers
- New Desktop PC
- Jewellery
As always feel free to ask me any questions, wishing you all good luck for 2015!
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Ready for the Advents
Hi all,
December is almost upon us, and while people are busy buying presents and decorating their tree, us Compers are busy entering like mad to finish all the end of year competitions and preparing for the eagerly awaited Advents.
Advent comps usually start on the 1st December and are daily entries to win great prizes. It's like opening your advent calender but with the bonus of potentially winning a prize everyday. There are 100's of them around with the majority on FB but many others around too! Big prizes are usually Xmas Eve
To start preparing I usually set up a new folder and save each on in there so I can to them daily. It is a mammoth task to enter them all so I would suggest you only bookmark the ones you really want to win.
You can find them easily on sites like Loquax, MSE and Theprizefinder.
I've already managed to win day 1 from BeautyBay on FB. A nice little package of This Works sleep products worth £20.
I've managed to bag a few wins in the last couple of months. My best was a 2 Night Bed, Breakfast & Dinner Stay at a Country Manor from TenaLady. As myself and my partner don't drive I've managed to select one in York for February so we've got something to look forward to in the New Year.
When I found out I'd won I started entering competitions for things in York. 3 days later a letter turned up for a family pass to York Dungeons :)
Twitter Parties seem to be a new trend and I won a £50 Tesco F&F Voucher earlier this week and a Kopparberg Winter Mug.
Timothy Other: The Boy Who Climbed Marizpan Mountain.
As you all know my Dad has a new book out. It's currently available on Kindle for just 77p. It's already got some great reviews:
Buy it Here for 77p :)
Good luck and god bless!
Leyan x
December is almost upon us, and while people are busy buying presents and decorating their tree, us Compers are busy entering like mad to finish all the end of year competitions and preparing for the eagerly awaited Advents.
Advent comps usually start on the 1st December and are daily entries to win great prizes. It's like opening your advent calender but with the bonus of potentially winning a prize everyday. There are 100's of them around with the majority on FB but many others around too! Big prizes are usually Xmas Eve
To start preparing I usually set up a new folder and save each on in there so I can to them daily. It is a mammoth task to enter them all so I would suggest you only bookmark the ones you really want to win.
You can find them easily on sites like Loquax, MSE and Theprizefinder.
I've already managed to win day 1 from BeautyBay on FB. A nice little package of This Works sleep products worth £20.
I've managed to bag a few wins in the last couple of months. My best was a 2 Night Bed, Breakfast & Dinner Stay at a Country Manor from TenaLady. As myself and my partner don't drive I've managed to select one in York for February so we've got something to look forward to in the New Year.
When I found out I'd won I started entering competitions for things in York. 3 days later a letter turned up for a family pass to York Dungeons :)
Twitter Parties seem to be a new trend and I won a £50 Tesco F&F Voucher earlier this week and a Kopparberg Winter Mug.
Timothy Other: The Boy Who Climbed Marizpan Mountain.
As you all know my Dad has a new book out. It's currently available on Kindle for just 77p. It's already got some great reviews:
5.0 out of 5 stars It truly is a compelling read and an extraordinary adventure! 28 Oct 2014
Format:Kindle Edition
This inventive story conveys the reader to the mystical world of Marzipan Mountain, where some amazing creatures live and a powerful secret is revealed. The author's imagination runs riot in an enjoyable mix of fantasy and reality. Timothy Other is a 12 year-old boy on a quest to discover his past, with the help of his unusual animal friends. His world soon collides with some darkly sinister characters who crave the mysterious `Golden Life'. This is a riveting read with plenty of twists and turns to amaze older children and adults who enjoy fantasy adventures.
5.0 out of 5 stars A rollercoaster of a read 2 Nov 2014
Tired of vampires, werewolves and zombies? Then you really must read Timothy Other the Boy who climbed Marzipan Mountain. It’s got everything except the above. If you like fantasy and a compelling adventure plot with a series of twists and turns, then join Timothy Other on a roller-coaster of a ride.
Buy it Here for 77p :)
Good luck and god bless!
Leyan x
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
October Wins and Hull Fair
Hi all,
October was a slow start but I've managed to win a few amazing prizes so far. Firstly I won a £100 voucher to be used at Unique Hair Salon. They have salons in Hessle, Cottingham and Willerby and offer a fabulous services and good prices. I actually went today and had my hair cut into a super stylish bob.
My second win was 4 tickets to Vue cinema. I was really chuffed with this prize as I haven't been to the cinema in over 5 years. My partner and I are planning on going to see "Lucy" and "The Maze Runner" when the tickets arrive. Hopefully we'll just take some cheap crisps and pop from Home Bargains and have a really cheap night out...always good when Christmas is coming!
My third win and the biggest this month is a beautiful Village England Ickford Bag worth £195.
Many thanks for reading my blog and feel free to ask me any questions.
Leyan x
October was a slow start but I've managed to win a few amazing prizes so far. Firstly I won a £100 voucher to be used at Unique Hair Salon. They have salons in Hessle, Cottingham and Willerby and offer a fabulous services and good prices. I actually went today and had my hair cut into a super stylish bob.
My second win was 4 tickets to Vue cinema. I was really chuffed with this prize as I haven't been to the cinema in over 5 years. My partner and I are planning on going to see "Lucy" and "The Maze Runner" when the tickets arrive. Hopefully we'll just take some cheap crisps and pop from Home Bargains and have a really cheap night out...always good when Christmas is coming!
My third win and the biggest this month is a beautiful Village England Ickford Bag worth £195.
As you may remember back in September I won a Wine Cooler from AO.Com. That's Appliances Online to those not in the know. It's really easy to do a review and submit a video to their FB page and if your lucky you could also get an appliance to review and keep. They offer Fridge/Freezers, Coffee Machines, Dishwashers, Vacuum Cleaners etc. Simply upload a short video to Youtube of your appliance, giving reasons why you need a new one and what's good/bad about it etc then add it with your details to their page. Simples...
Hull Fair
It's that time of the year again when Hull Fair comes to town for 8 days. This traditional travelling fair is one of the largest in Europe and has been coming to Hull for over 700 years. It is opened by the Lord Mayor and first opened in 1278AD. You can read all about the history of the fair here.
There are an abundance of food stalls where you can get hotdogs, burgers, kebabs, noodles and the famous "Bob Carvers" Chips. Sweet stalls for your brandysnap, candyfloss, toffee apples, cinder toffee and fudges. There's even chocolate fountains!
This year there are about 250 rides. The rides range from children's rides like carousels, mini trains,cars,teacups and ghost trains to extreme rides like walzers, rota, bomber, star flyer, superbob, hopper and bungy ball.
There are also about 115 game stalls like bingo, hook-a-duck, penalty shoot out, darts and rifle games where you can win giant cuddly toys and other prizes.
I went tonight with my parents for a walk around and picked up loads of sweets for my brother, but I'm getting too old for all these spinning rides. However if your in Hull this week I recommend you go and check it out.
New Book
Earlier this month I did a post on my dad's new book "Timothy Other: The Boy Who Climbed Marzipan Mountain". I'm trying hard to help him promote it and would really appreciate your help. If you want to purchase it on Kindle Edition it's just £3.16 and available in Paperback for £10.80 on Amazon here. If you would be kind enough so G+, FB share or RT with your friends I'd be very grateful as It is very hard to get the word out when your a newly published author.
I've also added a little video for the new book for you all to see :)
Many thanks for reading my blog and feel free to ask me any questions.
Leyan x
Sunday, 5 October 2014
Timothy Other: The Boy Who Climbed Marzipan Mountain
This is a new book aimed at "Young Adults" written by my talented father L.Sydney Abel. Available to purchase in paperback and Kindle Edition through Amazon.
Timothy Other's origins are a mystery. He has lived all his life at the orphanage where he was abandoned as an anonymous infant. Nonetheless, he's had a good life. The Dreams and Hopes orphanage, run by the magnanimous Mr Penny, is a happy place, filled with love. But Timothy's world crumbles when Mr Penny dies. The orphanage is repossessed by the bank, and comes under the draconian rule of the horrid Mr Sterner (with his 'custard-crease smile') and the scaly-skinned Ms 'Fishy' Finn.
Timothy escapes from the orphanage hidden in a basket aboard a removals lorry, which is then put aboard a cargo plane. The plane crashes, hurtling Timothy into a strange land and a bizarre, surreal adventure. Buy it here on Amazon.
Please share to all your friends and spread the story of Timothy Other beyond Marzipan Mountain x
Friday, 12 September 2014
History of Home Competition
I am sharing this post with you all as part of British Gas Bloggers Competition. They wanted us to share a picture of our favourite Nostalgic or Retro item from our home.
My absolute favourite item is my Grandparents Retro Lighter. I was lucky enough to inherit it when they passed and as a child I had always admired it. It is a beautiful piece and although I have never refilled it I'm sure it would be in working order.
My absolute favourite item is my Grandparents Retro Lighter. I was lucky enough to inherit it when they passed and as a child I had always admired it. It is a beautiful piece and although I have never refilled it I'm sure it would be in working order.
The lighter is a musical piece and features all the signs of the Zodiac and has some beautiful jewels on the top with a moon.
As you can see it looks great from all angles and I truly love it!
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